Living in Highest Alignment

Ten years ago (2012-2013) I was moving through one of my darkest times. I had health issues which were causing me a lot of anxiety, the odd panic attack and acute depression. I was in a career that wasn’t aligned for me, but my conditioning gave me a false sense of being trapped, with no way out. I longed for a community of like-hearted sisters who I could share all of my spiritual beliefs with. My creativity was stunted. In fact I had completely turned off that flow. I was unable to trust my intuition and move beyond my fear, even though I knew I was being called into something greater.

And this moment of my life, although it was the most uncomfortable and confronting, set me on a new trajectory. It paved the way for the life I am living today, ten years later my life feels very different to back then. 

I get to wake up peacefully in a beautiful home, with my loving family. I get to laugh and play with my daughter and when she naps I get to work in my sacred business.

I get to draw and create the most inspiring projects for incredible women who are bringing their light into the world. Over the past 5 years; through logos, sacred symbols, workshops, retreats, programs and courses, I have uplifted and empowered hundreds of women. In the early years of my business I was given the task of breaking through my limiting beliefs about money. I walked through a lot of fear and let go of so much. At the end of last year my business had a 25k quarter and has consistent 7-8k months. I work a joyous 10-12 hrs a week and spent the rest of my time enjoying my life. 

Now, things are not perfect in my life. (FYI things will never be perfect because our understanding of perfection is flawed.) My life is in highest alignment, which means I still move through shadow when I’m upgrading into a new template. I still have shit days where it all feels too much. I still walk through fear and it doesn’t have a lasting impact on me because I’ve decided it doesn’t get to keep me small. I know who I am, I know what I’m here to do. I know I am guided and supported and I know it’s always working out for me. 

I bring this message, not to seperate myself, and never to lift myself above anyone else. I bring this message as a reminder of what is available to ALL OF US. A life of highest alignment. If you are moving through a time of challenge right now, please know that you are not alone. And if it’s possible, just for a tiny moment, take a breath and trust you are being moved to a place of higher alignment. All is well. 


Multidimensional Logos for your Soul business


How to connect with an activation symbol.