Soul Activation Symbol


Soul Activation Symbol ILLUMINATE is where you meet your multidimensional self and allow your Soul to occupy more of your being. Through the process of connecting to your personal activation symbol and being held by Sarah to integrate its light.





The world needs your light more than ever. I know its easy to forget, to dim, to contract. But there is a part of you who knows you are a Soul in human form. There is a part of you who knows you have a big mission. This process is about illuminating that aspect of you and inviting them to step forward and lead.

Soul activation symbols activate the manifestation of Soul in mind, body, and experience. They lift the way you think, the way you be, and what you see and experience to a higher octave. They are You in a higher expression of frequency. And they call the part of you who knows and understands this forward.

 “This is not just a logo. It transmits the energetic codes I have to offer others, it speaks the language of my Soul and the Soul realm in general. It activates me- to step up and into the the energy my Soul is calling me towards in my business and in my life”.

-Amy Bianchi

Soul activation symbols are a language of the Soul realm. This is a language of frequency which bypasses the thinking mind. 

“Sarah I am remembering who I am. Light codes have been dormant are activating. Sarah accesses the Wayshower’s light codes and brings them into existence”.

-Tara, US 

Whats Included;

  • Soul Activation Symbol in Gold (PNG)

  • Soul Activation Print (download)

  • Soul Activation Connection guide PDF

  • 4 weekly guided transmissions with Sarah in telegram

  • Guided meditation to help you connect further with your symbol


  • Personal Sacred Geometry (this comes as a sister symbol to your Soul Activation Symbol)

Pricing $555

To book a Soul Activation Symbol logo for your Soul business you can visit Sarah’s design agency sacred made studio

More about the weekly transmissions

Within your Soul Activation Symbol™️ Illuminate offering you will receive 1 personalised transmission each week for 4 weeks. For these voice notes Sarah will tune into the energy of your symbol and receive intuitive guidance to share. You are welcome to ask specific questions within this space or share whats coming forward for you.

Connect to your Soul in a way you have never experienced before.

Imagine having a powerful soul symbol you can use in your everyday life to remind you of your light and who you are in essence.

Imagine moving through life in deep connection to your Soul, knowing you were guided and held in every moment.

Hear what others are saying about their Soul Activation Symbols


“Sarah, I am beyond soon as I saw this beautiful symbol my eyes welled up!! I feel so blessed!! My heart center instantly started to ignite. I feel so much love!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!🙏🙏🙏.”

— Michelle, Willow Moon


“When I received my soul activation symbol it was love at first sight and the rest flowed from there. Her creations are literally divine!“

— Tash, Serene Psychology

“I can just say wow and I had and still have goose bumps when I look at the symbols you send me.”

— Anna,


“Thank you so much. What a beautiful, beautiful symbol. It is beyond my expectations and I know it will be the perfect inspiration for me as I move into the next phases of life. Ideas are already showing up.”

—- Erica, The Whole Sole

“Sarah has a precise way of translating your soul’s energy into a divine symbol. I instantly recognised my soul activation symbol. It felt pure and like “home”. Since receiving it I’ve been working with its energy to birth my next body of work. If you’re thinking of investing in your soul activation symbol… do it without hesitation. It’s a doorway to your next level and beyond.” 

- Jenna xx

Soul Activation Symbol

Soul Activation Symbol

light up your soul gifts and bring your work into the world.