
Bespoke Soul Activation

and Business Expansion

A private mentorship for the industry leader ready to activate her Divine timeline of expansion

You know at a Soul level, there is SO much more available for you

You didn’t come to play small and settle for ‘good’, you came to take your work to its fullest expression. You came to expand into greatness.

You’re ready for radical change, rebirth and reinvention.

You know the version of you who brought you to this point, is not the one who will lead you into the more you KNOW is possible for you.

This is the space where she awakens…

You know waiting is holding you back, holding back your light, holding back your true Souls creations, holding back the flow of abundance,

You’re ready to activate full, unleashed Divine flow

In every area,

Through your expression

Through your Soul work

Through your wealth

Through your legacy

It’s time to expand into your SOULS VISION

Its time to create what you CAME HERE to create.

You desire to feel connected to your true POWER

To feel connected to your path and purpose, with unwavering KNOWING.

This is the path of the woman who claims her SOVEREIGNTY

You desire:

  • A business that feels quintessentially YOU.

  • To move to your own rhythms, unsubscribed from ‘the standard’ of your industry.

  • To step into 10-20k months from ease, simplicity and overflow.

  • To be tapped into your true abundance, where wealth flow is consistent and ever expanding.

  • To operate in your sovereignty, where every move you make from Soul aligns you directly with your highest desired timeline.

  • To raise your standard of creation where your new offerings effortlessly call in high level clients, on repeat.

  • To experience more freedom, joy and playfulness in your everyday life.

You’ve established a foundation in your work, you’re mastered in your craft. You know the power of you’re gifts and you’re ready for the world to know.

Your body of work will DISRUPT the industry

Your methodology will anchor the NEW PARADIGM way

Your gifts are signature to your Soul, one of a kind, ICONIC

My embodied beliefs:

When I create with my soul I automatically align to the highest abundance timeline.

  • by aligning fully to what my soul wanted to create I have tripled my income in 7 months with ease, simplicity and more freedom.

Every time I have followed my soul and closed down energy leaks in my business, I’ve expanded my capacity to receive more. 

  • I have closed down offerings that were primary sources of income in my business because they no longer felt aligned, each time I have ended up making MORE money in much more easeful ways.

    I have mastered my own personal sequence of manifestation.

  • I know where I am vibrationally at any given moment along the pathway to my manifestation.

In this space you will:

  • Tap into the NEW vision, letting go of all ego and allowing whats true for you at a soul level to emerge.

  • Create and step into your new identity, curating your new beliefs and behaviours that align to the leader you are now choosing to be.

  • Remember who you are in TRUTH and make bold moves to ALIGN your life to be an expression of the powerful woman you are.

  • Become SELF SOURCED and fiercely focused with your frequency, to create your reality on PURPOSE.

  • See yourself in your TRUE POWER and raise the standard of what gets your focus and energy in life.

  • Create the life you CAME here to create.

How this works;

During our 6 months together you are invited into a bespoke and intuitively led experience where you move through my Attune, Awaken, Align method.

With each of these 3 pillars you will experience my signature soul modality - the Soul Activation Symbol and light body illumination.

These two powerful modalities work in harmony to awaken dormant DNA, bring forth your intuitive gifts and connect you more intimately with your Soul and call you into your sovereign power.

The Energetic Structure

As soon as you enter Sovereign you are enveloped in a Divine frequency of love, power and expansion. This is a space where you are invited to lead with Soul. This experience is enriched with light technology including my signature modality the Soul Activation Symbol, light frequency chambers of healing and activation, channelled guidance and intuitive wisdom. You are held within an etheric temple of Divine love at all times.

The Sacred Business Expansion Method


Month One and Two

  • Connect with your Highest Timeline of Creation. Activate your souls vision and anchor it in your field.

  • Learn to create with your Soul. The aspect of you who operates beyond time, in the quantum realm.


Month 3 and 4

  • Identity upgrade, decide who you are ready to move forward as and become her now.

  • Reprogram your new truths and beliefs. Begin operating as the powerful multidimensional Soul you are, playing in physical form.


Month Five and Six

  • Shift your business structure to support your new vision. Identify & close down energetic leaks. Open your capacity to receive at your next level with ease.

  • Align your brand, offers and messaging to speak directly to your premium desired clients.

The Format

2 x 1:1 calls per month (12 calls in total) Where you will meet and work with your personal soul activation symbols and light frequency healing chambers, as well as mentoring, bespoke channelled guidance and simple soul sourced business strategy.

Monday - Friday direct access to Sarah for support and soul guidance inside our private Telegram portal

Bonuses: full access to my two signature programmes Creative Radiance and Language of Frequency along with 6 month access to my membership Soul Creation Portal.

Your mentor Sarah,

Ive built a solid business foundation based on my signature soul gifts. With 15k + months, clients worldwide, and an immense joy for what I get to do - all while working part time and being home with my little girl.

What you desire is available NOW, this is the space where you step into it fully.

You have a big mission and you’ve felt the strong pull of Soul to step into it FULLY.

The time is now, you’re no longer waiting for things to line up, you’re no longer willing to settle. YOU ARE READY to take the reins in your life and lead yourself into what’s possible, TODAY.

You’re ready to feel the full power of a life in alignment.

Investment $6,000 USD

Payment plan option

$1,000 monthly for 6 months

Im ready

Fill in the short form below to connect with Sarah about Sovereign.