How to meet and move beyond shadow through your ascension

Stress, anxiety, pressure, fear, overwhelm- these are all states of being I’ve felt while running my Soul led business and creating the life of my dreams. Yes you read that right.

There is an unspoken assumption that if you are creating a life you love and living your purpose you are somehow ‘immune’ to negative emotions or BIG life challenges. This is definitely NOT the case. In fact, the most powerful and masterful leaders are the ones who have moved through great challenge. Then have come out the other side to remind others that they have the ability to do it too.

The path of leadership and expansion takes courage and an inner devotion to your mission. Because along with all of the triumphs and wins there are times when we must meet ourselves at our depths, in our shadow, and move through some really tough shit.

As you begin to embody your desires, which are held in a higher frequency than your current reality, you are flooding your system with more light. As this light enters, it illuminates all - including your shadow. When you experience shadow rising after intentionally connecting with and embodying the emotions of your desires. The light illuminates what shadow needs to be processed and moved out before you can step into and realise your desires fully.

Even though we can grasp this at a mental and spiritual level. When you are in the thick of it, it can feel all consuming. Your nervous system triggered, emotions running close to the surface. You become even more aware of the density within your being.

I have found it so helpful to hear how others move through their moments of navigating shadow so I thought I’d share what has served me.

🌹 Activate your heart.

It’s through the portal of the heart that we find our way back to the light within. Ask yourself daily, multiple times a day, “what is the most loving this I can do for myself in this moment?”. Then have the courage to follow what guidance you receive, even if it doesn’t make sense.

🌹 Move towards your uncomfortable feelings not away from them.

The more we try to bypass, or push away our discomfort the deeper it digs into our field. It’s coming up to be seen, loved and released. The quickest way to do so is to go into it fully. Welcome it, move towards it, love it, embrace it. As a clairvoyant I see this as a vision of me running towards my pain and fear and embracing it. Like a mother runs towards her child who is hurting.

🌹Be present with what is.

As much as we want to move through the discomfort of our shadow quickly, it’s important to let yourself be with it fully. Here’s why; we can get caught in a pattern of emotional trauma, where our thoughts keep leading us back to the ‘what if’ stories which then trigger an emotional reaction from our nervous system. We can become stuck in this loop if we are not allowing ourselves to be present and in our body, in the moment. Presence breaks the pattern. In those moments where you just can’t seem to shift beyond your conditioned response, conscious awareness of your environment and body can be really helpful. Maybe notice what you feel, smell, hear in the environment around you. Then moving that presence to a more introspective state. Possibly sensing where your body is in contact with the floor. Or feeling how your body moves when you breathe. Just notice.

🌹Anchor into faith and trust.

When I get lost in the undertow, the density of my shadow, the uncertainty, I call in my angelic support. Two angels called Faith and Trust, to anchor me into a place of knowing I am supported. Feel free to name your angels whatever you wish. They can stand as gatekeepers to your mind to keep your thoughts aligned with Source. Holding and supporting you as you move through what is shifting out. Anchor into the knowing that it’s all happening FOR you, that this is yours to master, it’s all going to work out and you’ve absolutely got this!

🌹And always remember, as you release shadow and limitations you create space for more of your light. As the capacity to hold more light in your system grows your vibration rises and becomes more refined. From here your manifestations speed up, you experience more love, freedom, joy and other elevated emotions. You become more energy than density. It’s all just preparing you for what’s waiting on the other side, everything you have asked for and beyond!

I would love to support you, as you step into your Soul business and move through whatever is coming up for you. My 1:1 mentoring space Reclaim is the place to play. Payment plans from $278 NZD (approx $165 USD) per month are available.


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