4 unexpected ways to unlock freedom in your soul led business

Building a solid business foundation requires both feminine and masculine qualities

Building a solid foundation within your soul led business can bring you more time freedom, more creative freedom and more financial freedom. When I first started my business (lets face it, within the first few years!) I spent way to many hours on stuff that didn’t really matter. Like creating and offering every idea that popped into my head. Or tweaking my branding and design every couple of months. I had no real structure to my days, I just flowed from one idea to the next. As someone who identifies very strongly with my feminine energy I let it reign without calling in my masculine energy to support. True freedom and liberation occurs when we unify both our feminine AND masculine qualities.
I felt a sense of flow and freedom within my days but I wasn’t experiencing consistency with my business. Clients weren’t coming in with any real regularity, my income was all over the place, I felt scattered and unfocused. I found myself in a pattern of showing up and sharing, gaining momentum then retreating for long periods. I was in a pattern of expanding my energy, then collapsing it.
I have worked with many soul led women in business over the years. Throughout this time i’ve noticed a pattern emerge where we can lean so far in to our feminine energy (our intuitive, emotional, flowing energy) that we forget about the gifts that our masculine energy brings, direction, focus and consistency. In fact, its the upholding of our inner masculine that allows our inner feminine to express in her fullest way. My programme Creative Radiance teaches exactly how to bring the feminine and masculine into unity. To create in your business from overflow.
By building a solid foundation of consistency, rhythm, clarity and focus your business begins to flourish in an organic and sustainable way. Freedom becomes the byproduct of a solid foundation in business.
Lets explore each of these foundational elements a little further.


Showing up in a way thats consistent FOR YOU is key. Some people feel called to show up daily on their social media. Some feel called to show up monthly within their newsletter. Others show up once or twice a week to post or share. 
Consistency can feel restrictive to the feminine, I get it, really I do. I don’t know how many times Ive flip - flopped with my energy and presence on social media. But when I made the decision to show up in MY consistency, it felt easier. 
I didnt hold myself to any ‘rules’ I just made a commitment within myself that I would show up on a regular basis and share value with my audience. I let go of needing it to be polished or perfect and allowed myself to show up authentically, and in the moment I felt inspired too. As I began showing up with consistency and sharing my creative work, clients became more consistent too. 
My signature offering of a Soul Activation Symbol logo has now been booked out with a waitlist for the past 8 months. Consistently sharing value has allowed me to feel supported and held by my business, as I know its growing organically and becoming more and more sustainable. To me, freedom in business is when I feel fully supported by my business and consistent income flow is key.

Rhythm -

I love this term when it comes to running a soul led business. It relates to consistency and structure but honours your personal energy first and foremost. 
Rhythm is a term I learned very well when my daughter started at a Rudolf Steiner play circle. There is a gentle consistency that the daily rhythm follows, which allows the day to be run with a certain structure, while also allowing the teacher/parent to meet the child where they are on that particular day. 
Bringing rhythm into your soul led business could look like firstly assessing your personal energy before showing up to create or serve and then following whatever feels best for you in the moment. As a mum to a toddler, I am often catching up on client designs or emails during nap times and after everyone is tucked up in bed. 
However, if I don’t have the energy or passion to work in my business during those times, I wont. I will take the rest or reset that my body, mind, soul needs. Ive devoted myself to only show up in my business in my highest creative flow. If the flow is not available, because Im tired or Ive had a full on day, I step back and give myself what I need. Freedom in my business means having the spaciousness to honour my energy and my creative process. 

Clarity -

This is where I see a lot of people ‘slam on the breaks’ in their soul led business. Whether its clarity around your brand or your new energy healing offering. Without clarity its hard to know where to start, how to move forward and everything feels confusing and overwhelming. Its easy to get stuck in your head, trying to think your way through. A place that feels far from freedom! 
Clarity comes from intention, focus and time. Intentionally connecting to what you want clarity on is a good place to start; maybe you want to start expressing your brand in a more consistent and confident way. Or possibly you want clarity on how to start building or scaling your business online. Bringing to light what you want clarity on is step 1. 
The next step is focus and time. Creating space to focus on clarity is never wasted time.  Say you want to be really clear about the next evolution of your business. Giving yourself plenty of space and time to reflect without the pressure of NEEDING to know any answers is the best way to bring forward guidance and support. 
It seems the more we go ‘looking for’ clarity (which is usually when we try to think even harder!) the more it evades us. Clarity is not something to chase, its something to happen upon as you enjoy living your life. Let go for a while, ease the pressure you’ve put on yourself. Come back to trust. Trusting yourself to make the right decision (there are no real wrong decisions anyway, just different pathways to take) and trusting that you are held within the perfection of the universes divine plan. 

Focus -

Choosing an area of focus within your soul led business can help to direct your energy flow. This closes down energy leaks where you might be focusing on a million things at once, and therefore frees up your energy to spend it on what truly matters to you. The things that move the needle forward, so to speak. 
Perhaps you choose an area of focus for the month. Maybe its creating the content for a new online course. 
When you show up with consistency, and to your own rhythm, with a clear focus you have all the supportive masculine structure you need to bring this creation to life. When you marry this with your feminine flow, creative inspiration and intuitive guidance you tap into a greater sense of freedom within your work. 
Im a mum and my official ‘work’ hours are 4 mornings a week, when my little one is either at kindy or hanging with her dad. My time is quite limited AND I have a devotional practice where I only create when I am in my overflow. So Ive had to get really focused on where I send and spend my energy during all moments. One way I do this is by aiming to create more content than I consume and to be very intentional with what Im choosing to engage with. Gone are the days where I had hours to spend diving down rabbit holes of interesting content, and its actually been the BEST thing for my personal creative flow. My ideas now feel like mine, not like something Ive read somewhere and regurgitated. Ive realised how freeing it is to be in my own flow of inspiration and creation. 
If you are feeling the call within you to build a solid and sustainable foundation for your business. One that gives you freedom to live and work in a way the honours your energy and creative process. A business that fully supports you and continues to grow organically with consistency. I offer one on one mentoring spaces. You can read more here

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