YOU’RE radiant, glowing from the inside

So lit up, in OVERFLOW with your creative energy

Your offerings resonate with a Soul deep richness

Your expression is


Creative energy is always available, always flowing with original ideas, offerings, gifts, visions & inspiration -

YOU have direct access

This is the space where you learn to turn that trickle into OVERFLOW.

With this flow turned on you activate a RADIANCE within,

You feel so lit up by what you’re creating that your work GIVES you energy, instead of depleting your energy. You unlock a whole new level of EXPRESSION in your Soul work and turn on your MAGNETISM.


Creative Radiance has two core pillars that build the foundations for creative overflow & help you work with your creative energy in a whole new way.


This pillar is designed to help you close down creative energy leaks. There are subtle ways that we dilute our individual flow, By identifying & closing these leaks we become a vessel which can receive and hold so much more inspiration, energy, ideas, visions and creative gifts.


  • Receive more of your own creative ideas, inspiration and insights.

  • Have more energy available for you to create.

  • Let go of comparison, make your own rules and run your own race.

  • Step out of ‘creative blocks’ for good.


Pillar two is designed to turn your creative radiance all the way ON! Because you don’t need to create your offerings, your content, your business from depletion. It gets to be fun, intuitive & in flow while also maintaining a structure that delivers.


  • Discover new ways to work with your unique creative flow, to turn the tap all the way on.

  • Feel uplifted, energised and activated by what you’re creating.

  • Step out of watered down content and into soul rich, original expression.

  • Build an impactful & captivating business by connecting to your creative channel & becoming self sourced.


The creative clarity portal is designed to help you bring your creations to life with clarity, confidence and power. In this portal I’ll be sharing my personal process so you get crystal clear on your offerings & sell with your radiance.


  • Know every day exactly what you’re selling & how to powerfully invite people into your work.

  • Get crystal clear on how to share the frequency of your offerings & the transformation they deliver.

  • Experience selling as a natural, easeful & fun daily practice.

  • Step into overflow in your bank account, your impact, & your creativity.


Unfold into free expression and create what brings you joy. Lead with your heart and let your creations be the activator to turn on your light.


Expand your aura through the love of what you are creating. Become powerfully self sourced and magnetic to what you want.


Open your channel to receive more inspiration, energy and flow. An abundance of soul deep, original downloads, ideas and insights. To expand your Soul creations in the world.

Meet your guide, Sarah

  • Sarah Vassella

    Multidimensional Artist, channel and mentor.

    I teach to inspire & empower. Your true Soul gifts will sustain and amplify your creative Radiance. Your personal body of work is the way you will tap into this abundant creative fire and flow. This is why I am so passionate about connecting you to YOUR flow.


  • Access to powerful teachings which deliver a brand new way of working with your creative energy.

  • Printable guidebooks which deliver powerful questions, prompts and practices to awaken your creative channel.

  • Access to channeled activations and meditations to support your creative flow in the subtle realm of energy.

  • My signature Creative Clarity Map process to bring your offerings into crystal clear view so that you have a rich foundation of creative ideas to draw from to sell and market.


This is a 6 week program. There will be three live calls in this first round which will dive deeper into the content of each pillar.

Week 1- Pillar 1 Closing down creative leaks

This is where we take a look at all the ways your creative energy leaks out of your field. With awareness and simple action you can close these leaks and broaden your capacity to hold more creative energy in your system.

Week 2- Pillar 1 Live call, replay

Week 3- Pillar 2 Activating Creative Radiance

This is where you open the channel of your creative flow. Where you discover how your unique creative flow works and how you can work with it to step into soul rich inspiration & expression.

Week 4- Live call, replay

Week 5 -Creative Clarity Portal

This is where I share my Creative Clarity Map and personal process to direct your creative energy into a deliverable. This is where things get tangible.

Week 6- Live call, Replay

gain instant access to the full course now.

Your classroom will come equipped with video teachings, downloadable guide books and audios.


One time
For 6 months