The new paradigm of marketing your soul work.

As an artist of soul you are here to dance in the sublime subtle realms. To feel and receive inspiration through your feminine creative aspect. Then to channel that divine power into your body of work. To hear Gods whispers and translate them into expression in the physical. AKA your soul work.

You’re here to follow what your soul wants to create through you, and share your work in the world so others can receive from it. Because nothing feels more aligned and in flow than that. No strategy comes close to that clarity, which emerges from being deeply attuned to creating with soul.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the content strategy out there, I feel you 🙌.

If you’re no longer aligned with the social media machine, and the constant pressure to create surface level content, I’m right there with you.

Maybe it’s time to reclaim yourself as the artist of your soul work. Maybe it’s time to let your artistry lead.

There is a richness and depth to your work that fails to translate when we contort our true artistry into a 30 second reel or 5 page carousel. 

There is an energetic exchange that can’t fully and completely take place, because you are not sharing your fullness of expression. Your authentic souls frequency.

I know what it feels like to be on the ‘hamster wheel’ of creating content for social media. Where a post has a lifespan of a few hours to a few days. It’s exhausting. 

I believe the content you share that invites people into your soul work can feed your beautiful creative spirit, and connect deeply with your soul clients. It can nourish you and nourish your community.

I live to be in that delicious creative flow. Where you have the time and sacred space to move to your own inspired rhythm. Where you have the freedom to create on your terms, to follow what’s lighting you up and move intuitively with the energy that wants to be expressed. Unfiltered, unleashed, free.

When I started focusing my energy on creating in a gentler way, one that allowed me more freedom to fully express myself, things changed. 

I stepped back into my artist.

I could take it slow. 

I could let my soul breathe and create in a way that felt organic and nourishing.

I could let my artistry lead.

And my business grew.

Sharing your soul work in the world doesn’t need to feel like you are flipping a switch, and stepping into ‘selling’ mode.

Inviting people into your offerings can be a gentle ritual that nourishes your creative soul. Your content can be working for you 24/7. It can be a way to make true and deep connections with your audience. A way to express your creative heart with freedom. A way to let the reader in on your magic and let them see the world through your eyes. 

As an artist of soul, expressing your unique perspective allows others to see the world through your eyes. This allows them to reimagine their lives in a new way. As you translate Gods whispers into soul rich creations it nourishes both you as the artist and your audience in a much deeper way. It is a pure exchange of unconditional love.

This is the new paradigm of marketing your soul work.

Imagine letting your inner artist lead.

instead of sitting down with your phone and opening your social media app - 

You land in your sacred creative space. A space you have thoughtfully curated to tend to your inner artist. Pens, paper, a laptop, a candle, watercolours, a vase of fresh flowers, a beautiful view. Filled with whatever calls to you and sparks that inner sense of flow and inspiration.

Imagine creating 1 piece of content a week.

instead of creating new content daily -

You carve out time once a week to be in your artist haven and let the words flow. You take your time, you go slow and allow the ideas to develop into a rich piece of content that will live for years to come and reach your audience with more depth.

Imagine knowing your content was reaching your soul clients daily, organically, without you needing to be online.

Instead of opening your social app multiple times a day to ‘check in’ on reel views or new messages - and ultimately getting pulled into someone else’s content comparing your feed with theirs. 

You reclaim your freedom to live simply and with presence. You have a deep trust in your message and your marketing happens gently, consistently, behind the scenes. You are inviting your ideal clients into your evergreen offerings daily, without needing to be online or be visible daily in your social media.

My course Gentle Marketing for the Creative Soul delivers just this. A gentler, new paradigm way to market your soul work. Coming Soon.


Living Slow in Motherhood and business


6 steps to scale with soul into 10k months and beyond