Living Slow in Motherhood and business

Overwhelmed, working during nap times - instead of resting my tired body. Meals cooked in a rush. Feeling a sense of panic and dread when things changed unexpectedly and I had to readjust my schedule. A season of intense change- where the only constant was the gnawing feeling of ‘just’ keeping my head above water. 

This was my introduction to motherhood and running a soul led business. 

This trial by fire was also where my desire for space, freedom, slow living and simplicity was born. The following few years were dedicated to finding a way to move slowly in motherhood, life and while continuing to grow and run my soul led business from home. 
If you’ve found yourself craving a gentler approach to business, perhaps because you value a slower pace of life, or are in a season of motherhood where your time is limited, then this message is for you.
Slow living, motherhood and business can merge in the most gentle and nourishing way. A way that allows you to feel fulfilled in your work as well as ‘refilled’ meaning you have so much more presence, creativity and love to give to your children and family. A way where life feels gentle, in rhythm with the Earth and simplified. A way that is intentionally centred around what you value most, a sacred slower pace.
I am someone who believes that constraints give birth to creative solutions. I believe a life with ‘texture’ allows us to more deeply know our truest selves, what we want most, and how to subsequently align our life to be a reflection of that deepened understanding.
To me, slow living is not defined by an aesthetic or set of universal rules. You don’t have to have chickens, or homeschool your children or live off grid to live slow. A slower pace of life is defined by knowing what deeply matters to you and aligning your life to those things. This can also be the case for running your business. 
With the expected arrival of our second born, I became even more fiercely dedicated to running a gentle business and maintaining a slower pace of life. For me, these two things can be achieved under the guidance of these key principles.
1. Grounded
Moving from a sense of being grounded and in your heart is about moving from intentional alignment. It’s not rushing from one task to another in an attempt to get it all done in the fastest way possible. It’s about FEELING for the next right step. When you pause and allow your body’s wisdom to guide you, you begin to move in rhythm with your natural flow of energy.

2. Rhythm 
Rhythm is about feeling a connection with your own inner rhythm as well as the environment around you. We move through seasons and cycles in life, motherhood and business. Being aware of the season you are in, and the fruits it bares, allows you to soften into an inspiring, ever-evolving flow.

3. Alignment 
Living in alignment is achieved by knowing what you value most and creating space for it. Alignment is akin to your internal navigation system or North Star. There is an eternal aspect of you who is guiding the ship. When something feels ‘off’ it’s because it is not in alignment with highest path. Being grounded and connected to your internal rhythms are a great foundation for living in alignment.

4. Simple 
Life, motherhood and business can thrive when simplicity is embraced. We tend to make things way more complicated than they need to be. Simple really is key to maintaining a nourishing life and business. When I implemented the philosophy of ‘essentialism’ and embraced a less but better approach to business, I saw just how much I had been overthinking and over complicating my systems and strategies. With a more intentional focus on quality over quantity I also saw my business and income grow.

5. Sustainable 
Living a slower pace of life and moving gently in motherhood and business is centred around sustainable systems. If my business strategy or family rhythm doesn’t feel sustainable, It’s never going to be maintained. I have created ecosystems within my business that allow me to slowly and consistently expand my work. We have a seasonal family rhythm that brings us together, connects us to nature and what we value most-slow days, family time, creativity and nourishment of body and soul.

Seasons of your soul work


The new paradigm of marketing your soul work.