Seasons of your soul work

Its been an especially spacious few weeks in my calendar and work flow of late. It’s a perfect reflection of the Winter season we are currently in, in NZ. A time to slow down, to let go of the unnecessary, to rest in spaciousness - as the arrival of new beginnings in Spring is just around the corner. 

I wasn’t always a picture of softness and serenity in this Winter space in my business though. 

This liminal space used to feel VERY uncomfortable for me.

I used to go into a slight panic about where the next client was coming from or what the next offering was I should be creating and posting about. I would watch my bank balance go down and wonder when it would be replenished again. Cue ‘all the manifestation techniques’.

As a result, I never really got to rest and integrate the gifts that a slower season brings. So I would move into my next season of growth and expansion with a tank only half full. I could only give so much before I tipped into feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Now? I see these more spacious weeks as an invitation to nourish myself. To rest, integrate and prepare myself for what’s coming next.

Because there is ALWAYS MORE on the way.

We are cyclical beings living in a cyclical universe and our soul creations express in the same way. What Ive learned, through navigating these Winter seasons multiple times in my soul led business, is they are only seasons. They ebb and flow and come and go. We are never in a perpetual space of slow, nor are we in a perpetual space of growth and expansion. All seasons turn. 

Ive learned to see the gifts that each season brings and Ive become much better at cultivating the internal and external environment to be able to receive each season in the fullest and most nurturing way. 

I would love to invite you into my world of cyclical Soul work.

Sharing with you the mindset, energetic practices and practical steps to receive each season with gratitude and grace.

Lets look at each season and the gifts they bring.


You may be experiencing;

Less enquires, fewer clients, slower sales, more spaciousness in your calendar. You may feel a little low in energy, with not too much extra to share with others. 

The gifts of Winter;

Nourishment, integration, creative ideas & inspiration, you are being prepared for your next season of growth. This time of slowness is often the space being created for you to receive the next body of work or creative expression.

Receiving the gifts of Winter;

Go slow, luxuriate in doing less, let your calendar be empty without needing to fill it, dream, reflect, let yourself receive from your work in other ways- for example through creative expression. Be open to the new downloads that may arrive.

Cultivating the internal & external environment to receive these gifts;

remind yourself no season will last forever, ask your higher wisdom what this time is here to teach or show you, Whats the lesson, Adopt a rhythm to your work weeks with a few tasks that feel important to you, let go of having a strict schedule and needing to fill every space with something ‘productive’. Say no more often. Have a buffer in your bank account for slower weeks, Let in support from other people.


You may be experiencing;

A flurry of new interest in your work, client enquires trickling in, an inspired idea has just landed.

The gifts of Spring;

New possibilities, inspired creative flow, awakening to a new way of doing things or seeing things.

Receiving the gifts of Spring;

Enjoy the gradual building of momentum - without needing to go full throttle right away, put some ideas down on paper if that keeps you in the flow, enjoy the feeling of excitement and anticipation for what’s coming, let your field expand with new potentials and possibilities.

Cultivating the internal and external environment to receive these gifts;

Spring is a time of gentle germination and growth, let your ideas float in but don’t attach to any form just yet. Take action when it feels in flow, when you feel the flow recede come back into the frequency of your creation again. Resist the temptation to share too much about your new creation too early, allow it the sacred space to unfold and grow bigger in its own timing and rhythm.


You may be experiencing;

A fuller client calendar, lots of new projects on the go, momentum is at its peak, abundance and overflow, your energy may be lit up and you may feel you have so much more to give in this season. 

The gifts of Summer;

Acceleration and expansion of your work, abundance, momentum and flow. Ready to be seen, sharing your work in a bigger way. 

Receiving the gifts of Summer;

Make the most of your momentum with aligned and precise action, say yes and do more as long as it feel exciting and thrilling to you, ride the waves of expansion into your next level of expression.

Cultivating the internal and external environment to receive these gifts;

Remember no seasons last forever, enjoy being more active and productive, allow yourself time to rest when you can, take advantage of the opportunities around you, say yes, do the thing. Be clear about your boundaries, just because you’re more in demand right now doesn’t mean you need to lower your standards or override your boundaries. 


You may be experiencing;

The momentum and acceleration starting to slow, a little more time and space for you becomes available. Autumn can also feel fiery, maybe you’re met with a challenge or lesson that you’re here to master. You may feel especially bold.

The gifts of Autumn;

Enjoying the harvest, gratitude for your abundance in all its forms, wild woman energy, speaking your truth with confidence, letting go, a new level of embodiment. Alchemy and transformation.

Receiving the gifts of Autumn;

Release what no longer feels aligned, clear the decks and let go, a time for things to find their natural ending - giving way for new creations to come forward.

Cultivating the internal and external environment to receive these gifts;

Take bold action and have faith that as you release what no longer aligns you make way for a higher timeline to unfold. Death of an old self. Letting go of thought patterns and beliefs that don’t serve where you are heading. Give yourself grace and full acceptance to feel what you are feeling. See yourself fully in your light and your shadow. All of it is welcome. 

There are no hard and fast rules around the seasons of your soul work. Also, they may not always follow a regular cycle. This concept introduces a way to relate to your business with more acceptance of the rhythmic nature of creation.

This is a gentle, feminine way of experiencing your working life. A way where there is less need to drive outcomes, manipulate or control. And more spaciousness to attune to the natural pace and organic unfolding of your work.

If you desire to learn more about this way of running a business and bringing your creations into the world, you may be interested in my offering The Soul Rhythm Expansion Method. Available on my here.

Lots of love, Sarah

The Power of gentle


Living Slow in Motherhood and business