The Power of gentle

There is a power that unlocks when you devote to doing things at your own rhythm.
In your own pace, timing and structure.
When you take ownership of your way and call your power back from ‘the RIGHT way’, the COLLECTIVE way’, ‘your COACHES way’, you allow YOUR path to open up.

Only you truly know what fits best for the season of life you are in.

What fits best for your natural flow of energy.
What fits best for the unique gifts you’re here to deliver.
What fits best for your values.
This is how I’ve built my businesses. In all honesty it has taken me years to disentangle from the collective stories of what success looks like. To let go of the ways I’ve been limiting myself. To be bold and curate my work around the way I ACTUALLY want to live. 
Ive walked through many initiations along this journey and each time was called back to MY way, MY energy, MY creativity, MY rhythms, MY power.
Through doing things in a way that felt easy and authentic to me (not forced or under any external influences) Ive gently and organically grown my businesses to a point where Ive supported hundreds of women all over the world (14 countries and counting). These women range from corporate leaders, to women of influence within the light language & energetics realm, and women just starting out on their soul mission journey. I work from home, around my little family and enjoy a life of spaciousness and creative freedom.

The more I’ve leaned into freedom within my businesses, the more expansive my work has become.

The more I’ve trusted the pace and timing of organic and authentic marketing the more amazed I am at the synchronistic ways women find me.
The more I’ve believed in the magic of the universe that is supporting my mission the better things have become.
Before I landed here I had lots of questions, some that might be coming to mind for you right now. 
So how do I find MY way? If it was so easy wouldn’t I have already found it by now? Aren’t my gifts WORTHY of being supported? I don’t know how long I can keep going in circles and getting no where. I feel like Im putting in so much effort and nothing is changing or moving in the direction I want it to.
This self reflection enabled me to begin a process of change. It happened incrementally, over time. It wasn’t a one and done, or over night thing.
Here is where Id start if I was giving advice to myself way back then.
Firstly, if you are feeling any or all of these things Its okay! 
This is a place to start the self inquiry process, “where have I been giving my power away?” “Where have I allowed the collective noise/new algorithm/mentor, influence how I feel about myself and my business?” Its time to get brutally honest with yourself here. This was a major reason I stepped back from social media. There was so much noise, distraction and too much plugging in to other peoples energy happening for me.
Next, I would look at your beliefs. Do you feel confident following YOUR pace and way of doing business? If not, why is that? Spending some time anchoring in some foundational new beliefs will be of benefit to you here. You create what you believe and beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking and a series of habits you perform, which are all malleable. 
Then, I would take a look at your current offerings. What are you still offering that feels more like a ’should’. What doesn’t feel aligned or of equal energy exchange? It may be time to release or redefine these offers. Or what NEW offering is really calling to be created through you NOW?
After that, I would look at ways to anchor your new shifts. Through your marketing methods and showcasing your brand. PS- its absolutely OKAY to show your multipassionate and multidimensional self within your branding. In fact this is your super power and a powerful point of authentic connection! I have been working in the branding space for years and can tell you, its a marriage of your feminine and masculine energy. Your intuition, passions and heart along with simple strategy and delivery. Basically if your branding doesn’t light you the F up and activate something within you, you’re not tapping into its full potential. 
Finally, I would recommend cementing all of this with some embodiment practices around your leadership. Its all very well to make changes and bold decisions in your work, then its time to back it up! To walk your talk and embody the version of you who trusts HER way above anything else. I find it incredibly supportive to find kinship within this journey. Establish a group of like-hearted women or join one.
I have a space that can support you with all of the above. Its my new offering The Art of Gentle Business. We begin in two weeks time. This is what we will be covering within the 6 week, small group experience with me. 
Week 1
Defining your way
You will; 
  • Unsubscribe from collective narratives and define success on your own terms.
  • Using my framework to align your values, life season and soul purpose.
  • You will feel clear on what success looks like and feels like for you, which will enable you to be more discerning with where you direct your energy.
Week 2
You will; 
  • Build a strong energetic foundation of belief in YOUR way of doing business.
  • Feel more confident in the decisions you make, no more second guessing if you’re making the right move, because you will be able to feel it.
  • Know exactly what to do to grow your business in a way that feels authentic to you. 
Week 3
You will;
  • Refine and revolutionise your current offerings to ensure they are aligned to how you want to work & who you want to work with.
  • Confidently let go of what doesn’t spark excitement and add in offerings that feel truly unique to you and a joy to create and share.
Week 4
Gentle Marketing
You will;
  • Revamp your current marketing strategy to a more gentle approach which allows you more creative freedom.
  • Build in simple content creation ecosystems to ensure your business growth is steady and sustainable.
Week 5
Multidimensional Branding
You will;
  • Tweak or completely rebirth your brand to one that passionately shares your multidimensionality. 
  • Feel confident to show up as all of you, showcasing your unique gifts, personality and passions.
Week 6
Leadership & personal power
You will;
  • Take ownership of your frequency by noticing ways in which you give your power away and consciously close those leaks.
  • Embody a new identity where you take full ownership of your magic.
  • Learn to move at your own pace. Feeling when it’s time to go all in and when it’s time to pull back. Knowing the your business will support you whatever season you are in.
You also receive instant access to my course the Soul Rhythm Expansion Method, valued at $188. This course will emphasise everything we will be covering in our 6 weeks together. And its a great way to dive in if you can’t wait 2 weeks to begin! 
Whether its time to birth your new business or REbirth it, Ive got you.
Love, Sarah
Take a look at The Art of Gentle Business

Slow Living Spring Rhythm


Seasons of your soul work