Slow Living Spring Rhythm

As each new season rolls around I love refreshing our family rhythm to be more in tune with the changes in the natural world. 
In this post you’ll find a guide on how to create a family rhythm, what I am bringing into our Spring rhythm this year, as well as some Spring inspired creative ideas. 

What is a family rhythm?
A family rhythm is a gentle guide to connect further with what is truly meaningful to you as a family. It’s the opposite of going with the motions, or letting life sweep you up in its haste. It is an intentional way to live. A slower way to live and it brings many gifts. 
The energy of the season affects us in the most subtle ways. And when you tune in to the energy and work WITH it, you feel a deeper sense of flow and alignment in life. Spring is a time of emergence, the return of our suns light and warmth awakens nature in the most inspiring ways. Your energy may start to rise, you may feel like creating something new because there is more energy available to you. Early Spring feels like a reset and a refresh. You may feel like decluttering or simplifying your home environment. The best way to tune into the energy of the season you are in is to spend time in nature. To intentionally observe what’s happening around you and to notice how your body responds. At our essence, we are part of nature. Take some quiet time to soak in and connect with the Earth and her seasonal gifts.
Our Spring Rhythm
Here are some of our family aspirations and activities for the Spring months.
Family aspirations for Spring
Decluttering the home (tick), preparing the birth space, cleaning lingering mildew after a cold dark Winter, planting our vegetable garden and creating a toy rotation system.
Our Spring activities 
With the warmer weather just on our doorstep I’ve put away a lot of the toys that were downstairs in order to encourage more outside play. Currently my daughter is still carting down her favourite teddies on a daily but at least the intention is there.
We’ve got a new bike riding route which leads us along a meandering pathway, under a line of shady oaks and ends at a playground. It’s just long enough for me to feel comfortable walking as I move into my final weeks of pregnancy, with the promise of a bench seat at the end.
I’m looking forward to planting our seedlings and having a daily ritual of watering and talking to our little garden patch.
Some recipes I want to try
I think it’s time to bring my scobys out of hibernation and start making some kombucha again. The probiotics that this fermented tea provides will give all of our digestive systems some love as we prepare to eat more fresh salads and raw foods over Spring/Summer. Also, as I go into the postpartum period this time around, I am planning to be much more focused on building up my nutrition. One of my favourite kombucha flavours is foraged Kawa Kawa. It has almost a honey kind of scent and it’s divine. 
I’ve also been enjoying making raw, refined sugar free sweet treats that we keep in the freezer. My favourite so far is this amazing Peanut Butter caramel slice 
from the amazing Eleanor at The Art of Simple.
Seasonal produce
I get a lot of meal inspiration by seeing what changes each season at our local farmers market. Right now I’m loving fresh asparagus, sweet strawberries, tender spinach and avocados.
Create your own family rhythm 
Here are some prompts I use as a guide to creating our seasonal family rhythms as we move through the year. 
You can totally adopt this method for whatever season you are moving into. Feel free to add in your own or leave out anything that doesn’t apply.
What birthdays, special events or seasonal celebrations are coming up this season? 
Special events- 
Seasonal celebrations- September Ostara (Spring Equinox), October Beltane or May Day (October 31st) 
Family aspirations for the season-
Family Priorities-
Seasonal Activities-
Seasonal recipes to try-
Here are a few more creative ways to connect with nature in the Spring time. 
6 things to do with pressed foraged flowers 🌸
There is an abundance of spring flowers that pop up as the Earth warms. Gather some flowers from your garden or the roadside to press and dry. Even the simple lawn daisy is perfect. The easiest method I’ve found is to ensure the flowers you pick are dry, lay them between two paper towels then two sheets of baking paper and sandwich between the pages of a heavy pile of books. Leave for around 1-2 weeks and then you’ll have some beautiful pressed flowers to add to your creations. 
1. You can let your children glue them onto their craft projects. 
2. Make a handmade card with flowers across the front. 
3. Depending on the size of your flowers you can gently thread them onto a piece of string and hang in a window. 
4. Get some air dry clay and roll out into a large rectangle. Sprinkle on your flowers then roll them once again into the clay. Use a cup to cut circles out and make some little pinch pots for fairies or to collect more Spring flowers.
5. Make a felt flower fairy and glue some dried flowers to her head as a little hat. 

6. Set the table for a Beltane celebration and sprinkle your dried flowers on the top to add a whimsical Spring feel.

The Power of gentle